Friday, May 17, 2013

Killer Mike Puts Fan In Check After Being Called A Bitch

Rapper Killer Mike recently had an exchange of words with a “fan” via Twitter after Mike was called a bitch (those are fighting words where I’m from). Apparently the guy (who is white) was offended by an interview that was posted on HotNewHipHop in which Mike discussed his opinion on new white rappers.

“Killer Mike, who was interviewed on the Combat Jack Show alongside his producer and fellow rapper in Run The Jewels, El-P, explained that as he sees it, new White rappers brought “self-pity” to rap.”I think what White people brought was self-pity,” Mike said. “Not you in that [talking to El-P] but a lot of the new White rappers just brought that. I’m sorry. It’s no disrespect. Complaining about a parent and shit is cool but I’m from a community where mothafuckas lost both of their parents to crack. Mothafuckas didn’t even know their… Like, my grandmother raised me. I never knew my mom and dad. So I feel that. And I think that, as a Black audience, we appreciated it because it was something different but that don’t make you more in touch with your feelings than me.” Killer Mike continued to explain his stance, “I’m not saying that experience isn’t worthy. I’m not saying it isn’t valuable. I’m just saying that it’s not special because every human being experiences love, pain and letdown. Your thing is no more special. A lot of times, as Americans and in this country, we feel like our suffering makes us special. You’re special because you’re a human being. How you deal with your suffering can make you extraordinary. Are you going to use it for self-pity or are you going to use it to help others?” Not to end on a negative note, the ATLien said that he respects any emcee who gets behind the mic.”

I’m guessing that this guy is fairly new to Twitter judging from the fact that he only has ten followers. Someone should have schooled him on how Twitter works, and informed him that he has to be careful of what he says on Twitter because EVERYONE can see what he posts.

You can’t disrespect a person (celebrities included) and not expect a response. Hopefully in the future he’ll choose his words more wisely. A lot of times it’s not what you say, but how you say it. He could have easily voiced his opinion about the rapper without calling him out his name, and Mike probably would have responded differently…but he didn’t, and Mike Bigga checked him…Welcome to Twitter homie.

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