Thursday, June 6, 2013

Weekend Weigh In - Better Late than Never!

Hey ladies! I've had a hectic week and haven't found time to blog until now. I'll be back to my regular weigh in posts next week and I'll be doing my weekly weigh in posts on Monday.

Okay so this past week was great! I managed to fit in four 60 minute cardio workouts and I kept my snacking down to 200 calories a day! I did have a cheat day (or two) where I deviated from my no bread, pasta, rice plan but I made sure I worked it off later that day. To my surprise, I lost 3 pounds this past week! If you follow my blog, you know that for the past couple of weigh ins I've only lost 1 pound a week so I am very happy to have lost 3 pounds this week. It really is better late than never!

Now, according to My Fitness Pal app I've lost 16 pounds so far (13 lbs since I started bloging about it in April). I've been so focused on logging my calories that I neglected the weight loss tracker feature. My scale has memory feature so I mostly rely on that. Again, if you have not downloaded this app yet, please do! It's FREE (one of my favorite words) and its very useful. It really helps to see what your eating and where you may be going wrong. 

My plan from the beginning of this journey was to lose 25 pounds by the second week in July. So, I have another 5 weeks to make this happen and I have not given up hope yet. I'm going to continue to count calories and work out until I reach my goal.

How was your weigh in this week?

Corrin K. Jones

twitter: @sweatheartboss

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