Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's Talk About Pepa

Pepa of "Salt & Pepa" is coming out with a tell all book about her life titled "Let's Talk About Pepa". I know this is going to be a good read for sure. First of all, Pepa is from Queens and she don't play! I know she's got some good stories in the works for us because we all know who her 1st baby daddy is. Ta-Ta! Yes I know him and he's presently locked up. Ta-Ta was a thorough dude from Queens. If you're wondering how I know him? It's cuz I'm from Queens and I know tons of people in Queens. Plus I was always the young buck hanging out with the older chicks in the neighborhood. Then you have Pepa's marriage to Treach. Now there's a rumor going around that Pepa is the reason why Mary J. Blige has that scar on her face but I don't know how true that is. Like I said it's a rumor and I don't know if it's fact. The rumor goes on to say that Mary at one point in her career was messing around with Treach and Pepa found out and mopped that tail up. Then the other day I heard Ed Lover say on Power 105.1 that Pepa was the reason why Left Eye burnt down Andre Risen's mansion! This is going to be a banga for sure! Whether these claims are true or not I'm still waiting to read my girl's book!

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