Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wendy Williams Half Speaks!!!

A friend of mine called me while I was on the track getting my walk on and was screaming on the phone telling me to tune into WBLS. For those that do not live in the New York area it's radio station 107.5. Now as I'm getting my little sweat on I ask why? What's going on? She tells me that Wendy is talking about a blind item but it was sooo juicy that I needed to hear it for myself and see if I can figure it out. I told my friend that unfortunately, I was on the track and was not near a radio. She turned up the volume on her radio and put the cell to the speakers. Now from what I was able to hear through the static and beating heart was Wendy stating that she had a sex tape of a platinum artist' wife with another man and she was going to give it away to the highest bidder!! All I kept thinking to myself was DAMN!!! Who the hell could Wendy be talking about? Then she said it was a rapper who was married but they didn't have children with each other. That narrowed it down even further for me. So this is what my assumption is on the whole Wendy Williams blind item...........Now I just want to state I'm taking an educated guess and I could be wrong but a reliable source told me that I hit it on the nail! So take a peek below:


  1. Nas might be a good guess.. but what about Jay Z??



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