By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer
On Friday Fed Ex in Memphis, Tennessee cut the jobs of 500 workers.
The cuts were part of a 1,000-job cutback companywide, occurred across FedEx operating companies, which employ more than 30,000 in the Memphis area and 290,000 nationally.
Supervisors informed affected employees on Friday.
"We've had to reduce our network to match volumes and customer needs," FedEx spokesman Jess Bunn told the Commercial Appeal. "It was a very tough decision. It was unavoidable because of the global recession.
"We'll be providing financial support and career counseling which are above the typical assistance that companies offer," he said.
Terminated employees will be given first priority when and if future job openings become available. Those positions will not be advertised until terminated employees have had an opportunity to look them over.
As home to corporate headquarters, Memphis has the highest concentration of FedEx employees, working in facilities such as the FedEx Express World Headquarters on Hacks Cross and the FedEx World Technology Center in Collierville.
Since December 2008, FedEx Freight has cut 1,440 jobs, and FedEx announced 5 percent pay cuts for 36,000 salaried, exempt employees nationwide. A benefit reduction affected hourly and salaried workers.
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