Saturday, April 25, 2009

Building and Nurturing a Healthy Father, Daughter Relationship

By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer

As the primary male role model in a girl's life, fathers influence their daughters in profound ways, from how they see themselves to what they come to expect from men and the world at large. But men often don't realize the importance of their interactions or may shy away from too close involvement because of their inexperience, or conditioning.

I'm a daddy's girl through and through. Always have been...always will be. That foto above is of my Father. Daddy is over 6'1. His presence is captivating and commands attention. But once you get to know him, you see what I see: a gentle giant with a heart bigger than the United States!
His love have saved me in more ways than I can describe.

My father has always been a man that led by example. When I would look at the pictures and old reel-to-reels of me with my father, I would get misty eyed. He always made me feel like a princess...and more importantly, he and my mother taught me the importance of my self-worth. He always told me that I was beautiful.

He raved at my grades. He nurtured my love of writing and when I told him, at age seven, that I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up. He followed that up by taking me to Barnes & Nobles twice a month and working hard to pay for my Parochial schooling. He scolded me when I did wrong, but he never failed to build me up when I did right. Sometimes I fly home and when my flight is approaching the gate, I look inside at the terminal and can see my father - all six feet-plus of him standing and waiting. It still sends goose bumps up my arms. LOL I've always felt safe and loved with Daddy.

As a man that said what he meant and meant what he said, my brothers and I revere him. They are good husbands and fathers by way of his nurturing...Full Story Here

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