Monday, April 6, 2009

DEELISHIS Lands Part in Play Called "The Representative" has reported that: DEELISHIS is a part of a new play called "The Representative" by Kamal Smith, we recived reports from sources saying that the DIVA had a melt down on the set.
The staff and actors were on fed up with the Reality show winner as she screamed ,shrieked, cussed and showed out. The staff were appalled as she made demands, went diva, and strolled around freely with her humongous ass in a g string and berated the staff. It appears that as of late she has done a lot this with people she is working with … The real actors in play have no desire to go on the road with someone with no talent and a bad attitude.

1 comment:

  1. DAMN! Thanks for the eye candy!
    Are those stretch marks on her stomach?? DAMN!


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