Friday, May 1, 2009

Pretty Boy to come out of retirement

Floyd Mayweather returns
By: Jarred Powell
Sports Editor

ESPN has just released that Floyd Mayweather Jr has agreed to return to the ring July 18 to fight Juan Manuel Marquez. Not much has been said about it. There will be a 11 a.m. press conference will be held tommorow morning to announce the fight. Floyd has taken a good tune up fight. It hasn't been said as to whether the fight will be fought at 140 or 147 pounds. It will more than likely be fought at 147. The real prize will be whoever wins the upcoming Ricky Hatton vs Manny Pacquiao fight. The winner will have a date with the winner of Mayweather or Marquez. That fight will probably be in December. Pretty Boy, go get your throne back.

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