Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Samaritans Beaten, Robbed in Craven County

By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer

A good Samaritan in Craven County was tied up and pistol whipped after allowing a stranger in his home to use the phone. When his wife came home, she too was tied up. The thief stole their car after robbing them. The car was found on Cow Pen Landing Road.
73-year-old Jack Taylor is back home after the attack. He and wife, Mary Lou Taylor say they will no longer be good samaritans, "We can't be a good Samaritan in our own home anymore because next time we're going to be murdered," Mary Lou Taylor told WITN News.
As for Jack Taylor, he's now sitting beside his door with a gun. "We've helped so many people that have had accidents on this road, but the next time someone comes to the door bleeding to death we're going to have to turn them away," Mary Lou Taylor said.

It's sad when two punks feel the need to pound on an elderly man and scare the daylights out of his wife. And for what? A couple of bucks and a free ride? Get a job and rent a car, I say. In some third world countries, these two ninnies would be hunted down, lashed and thrown under the jail for so long, they would likely be older than the people they robbed when released.

This man was not a threat to them. They could have taken his car and money with little to no resistance from him. He's over 70 years old for crying out loud. Adding injury to insult by pistol whipping him was horrid. All for these two punksto smoke a little crack and pop open a 40 ounce with Mr. Taylor's hard earned money. Now, the next time some innocent person is stranded or injured after an accident and knocks on Mr. Taylor's door, in need and looking for help, they'll be met with a cold, mistrustful glare and a slammed door to their face.

If two journalists can get sentenced to hard labour camps for crossing a border illegally...just imagine what fate two maurauding thieves would receieve? Perhaps if we begin incoporating some of the same tactics these others countries utilize for deterring crime, we just might be safe in our own homes again. No one, let alone an elderly couple, should be living in their home in fear of being robbed or beaten. This man and his wife won't sleep a wink for months after this horrific event. And the two punks who assaulted and robbed them shouldn't either.

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