Monday, August 10, 2009

Michael Jackson Autopsy Results To Remain Sealed

MSNBC sub-headline reads: Cause and manner of death won’t be released while police investigate

By Alicia Cruz
Senior writer

The probe into the cause and manner of death of Michael Jackson is complete, but we won't hear the results...yet.
The Los Angeles County coroner's office has said that law enforcement has requested that they not release any details about what killed Jackson until their (police) investigation is completed.

Theblackurbantimes telephoned the coroner's office this afternoon for a comment on when the results would be released and was told that at this time there are no immediate plans to release the report.

Jackson died June 25 in his home. His personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, found him unresponsive and not breathing. Efforts by first responders and Dr. Murray to revive Jackson were unsucessful and he died having never regained consciousness. Dr. Murray has become the focus of the police investigation into what killed Jackson.

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