Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Maia Campbell is now getting treatment, shame on the brothers who put her video online

Maia has been diagnosed with bi-polar/manic depression and because substance abuse is involved she has co-occurring disorder, which has symptoms similar to schizophrenia. In short, Maia is mentally ill and has a substance abuse problem.

Statement from a family friend:
Maia is in treatment, and she said that there is hope for Maia’s recovery. The prayers of “50,000,000″ people can make the difference because Maia doesn’t like to stay in treatment, and her treatment involves drug withdrawal, as well as, treatment for her disorders. Maia’s disorders are exasperated and sent out of control by substance abuse. Pre-existing and early onset bi-polar, clinical depression and schizophrenia can be sent out of control by marijuana (the worst culprit), alcohol and of course, synthetic and street drugs.

Maia Campbell’s mother started an organization called NAMI Urban Los Angeles (NULA), the urban affiliate of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NULA, founded in 2003, provides education about severe brain disorders, supports increased funding for research and advocates for adequate health insurance, housing rehabilitation and jobs for people with serious psychiatric illnesses in communities of color. It also seeks to educate the public about the myths of mental illness to eradicate stigma. NULA seeks to be a beacon of hope in the community it serves.


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