Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bodyguards, Tinted Windows and Armored Cars in Colombia Spells ATTENTION

One of the things you would have to get used to while living in Bogota are the people driving around with bodyguards in their armored cars with blinded windows and possibly a guy on a motorcycle two meters behind them.

Regularly you will see one or more Toyota(s) or Hummers or other large SUVs with some blinking lights and/or a siren to warn you to get out of the way (or get run over). These cars are normally used by high police or military officers, politicians, diplomats or by rich people.

For “regularl” people there really is no need (or money) for these cars but I imagine that if you have a lot in the bank or are important in some way, it might not be a bad idea to get some extra protection on the road. Even if it would be just to frighten that idiot driving in front of you that does not want to go out of the way. The added benefit is that you do not have the limitation of car use called pico y placa that everone else has!


Once mayor Mr. Moreno decided that people could not use their cars two full days during the week, Colombianos were looking on how to get around the issue. Some thought that getting a foreigner to register your car would make it relatively easy to get a license to armor their car, but at the same time it would damage your car due to the remodeling and the sheer weight of the special glass, it would make it hard to sell said car; el gasolina consumption would go steeply up and besides that you would give the impression that you're somebody worth kidnapping which would actually only draw more attention to yourself. If you want to stay out of harms way, it might be a better idea to stay out of its sight first!

So no armored car if you don't absolutely need it and no bodyguards.

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