Saturday, November 28, 2009

Prohibition Entertainment News Release

Prohibition Entertainment is announcing the first series of episodes for the "Backstage Pass" Vodcast on i-Tunes, of RnB/Crossover vocalist TRAEDONYA! AKA "The Bride of New Funk Hip Opera". The clips on the "Backstage Pass" show TRAEDONYA! and the Prohibition team, on the road during various promotional tours and events from around the globe, as she develops her brand and musical identity.

Every artist has a background and a story before they get famous and have a large fanbase. These clips give a small snapshot of the trials and tribulations TRAEDONYA! has faced as she goes around the globe introducing herself. "Being on the road and running around meeting people is what I truly love, it's always fresh and always crazy", says TRAEDONYA!.

The first of many for this particular series, shows TRAEDONYA! in Ireland and California. "Our motto is we go where the love is", says Prohibitions' Ambassador at Large A.K Smith-Ford. "This aspect of the music development process doesn't change....moving around, interacting with fans and tastemakers, on a one to one basis".

The "Backstage Pass" Vodcast will be followed with the release of TRAEDONYA!s' up coming film project "The Journey of The Making of ELEMENTAL CHANGE", a musical scribe and documentary of "The Bride of New Funk Hip Opera". The film will be released to music specialty stores around the globe soon.

This "Backstage Pass" Vodcast, will show a mini VH1 Behind The Scenes element. People will see how this popular independent artist makes it happen as she competes in the marketplace with major label contemporaries Beyonce, Mariah , Mary J and Alicia Keys.


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