Friday, November 13, 2009

The Ross Report

Black Voices sat down recently to talk with Rhonda Ross, a black business woman who is both an artist and an entrepreneur. The daughter of music icon Diana Ross, Rhonda is a wife, mother, recording artist, motivational speaker and founder of her own real estate firm, Ross Realty International. Her latest endeavor is providing leadership and support to Hearts of Gold (, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping New York City's homeless mothers and their children. Ross has joined the advisory board of this organization and will serve as the Honorary Chair of its fall fundraising gala tonight. How does this renaissance woman do it all? Rhonda Ross took the time to share her business and spiritual advice with us.

In many ways, you are an example of a modern working mother, with your own business, a young child, and important philanthropic activities. How do you balance your career, family life, and community commitments?
They say if you want to get something done - give it to a busy person! I am a very good manager of my schedule and am very efficient with my time and attention. I spend my moments deliberately -- I try not to "waste" any of them. I don't gab away on the phone with "nothing to say," I watch little to no television and when I do, it's an intentionally chosen program or movie -- usually inspirational or educational.

The first thing I do is get real. There are simply not enough hours in the day to do EVERYTHING. I do the parts that require my personal attention and delegate the rest! I am very blessed to have help where I want it. For instance, I have a wonderful housekeeper and recently I have been ordering meals from Fresh Direct (cleaning and cooking have been a challenge with a newborn), but I don't have a baby nurse or a nanny -- my husband and I are very hands on with our son and feel strongly about doing everything regarding him ourselves.

Also, I prioritize. I believe that my health and happiness come first because if I don't feel good, if I'm not healthy, I can't manage everything and everyone else. I make sure to sleep enough (yes, even with a 3 month old!), I eat well, exercise, meditate and pray daily. This gives me a foundation on which to build.

My family and friends come next. My relationships are paramount to me. I make sure to make time to connect with my husband and spend valuable time bonding with my 3 month old son. (This time is so precious) My family and friends give me context -- a world in which I can love and be loved.

Business and philanthropic work come next. It's important to me to be of service to my employees and clients, exceeding their expectations and creating "win-win" situations as well as working for the causes that are dear to my heart. I have been so blessed in my life, I feel a responsibility to "give back." It keeps me appreciative and grateful. It fuels me and keeps me going!

In addition to all of these activities, you further contribute to the world as a motivational speaker. Can you talk about how you inspire yourself to be so productive, and how you use your experiences to motivate others?
I am a teacher at heart. A learner and then a teacher. I am always reaching for a healthier, happier way to move through this life, a way to have a stronger alignment with God. When I find tools that help me, I share them. I share them through my inspirational speaking and I share them through my songs.

My speaking and my SongTelling ( are deeply intertwined. SongTelling is a term that I coined to describe the music that I perform. It's inspirational Spoken Word poetry put to a neo-soul/jazz vibe. Since I understand the vital importance of self-love, self-esteem, self-motivation and self-empowerment, it's what I write, speak and sing about.

The Hearts of Gold charity has a special place in your own heart. Please explain how you were moved to join the advisory board of this charity.

I was introduced to Deborah Koenigsberger at a recent Hearts of Gold Gala and instantly fell in love with her and the organization. I could feel the passion that she has for these women and children and how much she loves them and wants to make a difference in their lives. I also saw the impact Hearts of Gold has had on the women and children that it has touched and I knew that I HAD to be a part of an organization that was so "hands on" and showed such quick and tangible results.

Hearts of Gold is holding its Annual Fundraising Gala on November 12 and I am serving as its Honorary Chair!! It is quite an honor to be part of this organization! On this advisory board, I serve along side Tamara Tunie, Marcia Gay Harden, Vanessa L. Williams and Soledad O'Brien, all of whom will be with me at the gala. Please join me (ticket info here in support of these worthy women and children! It's going to be a great night!!

Do you feel that working in the charity field has had an influence on your business and personal life? Or perhaps, vice versa?

In many ways, my business and personal life are one in the same. Because I am an entrepreneur, my businesses (Speaking, SongTelling, Real Estate brokerage) are all branded through who I am. They are "Me: Magnified." So, of course whoever I am in my "personal life" reflects instantly on them.

My belief is that it is all of our responsibilities to serve our fellow man. I wrote a song called "It Don't Matter"; the lyrics state that EVERYONE can be of service: "Don't think that you're excused -- we all can be used!!" There is no one who is too rich, too poor, too young, or too old -- we each are valuable in our own way and have something to give.

Hearts of Gold makes it clear that this may be a difficult moment in the lives of these women and children, but it is ONLY a moment. We will get through it together -- human to human, mother to mother. Hearts of Gold offers programs and support that speak to the spirits of these women and children and reminds them that they are worthy and loved!

I hope your readers find a way to get involved with Hearts of Gold, too -- at whatever level they can! A little bit goes a long way and it'll make them feel so good to know they are making a difference!

The federal housing tax credit for first time homebuyers has been extended. As a real estate entrepreneur, do you have a message you may want to send to regarding extending the credit?

The Federal Housing Tax Credit has been extended until April 30, 2010, which is truly fantastic. Our agents at Ross Realty International,, are encouraging their buyers to take advantage of it if they can. Also, it is no longer be just limited to first-time buyers -- people who have owned a home for at least five years could get a credit on a new residence, too. Plus, income limits for eligibility have been raised, making many more people qualify. It's just the push buyers and sellers need to get the industry moving again.

Many families are dealing with hard economic circumstances right now. Do you have any words of advice or encouragement for those struggling perhaps both spiritually and financially?

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23

I am very careful about the "information" I let permeate my heart, mind, and spirit.

I read the papers to get the information I need, but I am very careful about letting the media dictate to me.

It's hard when the television and radio are screaming "recession" and so many people are being laid off and your bank account is getting low and now the bills are piling up -- it's hard to not feel and think "LACK," but the truth is that God is our source and He is ALL PLENTIFUL. There is NO LACK in Him. He is all good, all the time, and if we can KNOW that, FEEL that, LIVE from a knowledge of that -- not only will we feel better in the moments that make up our days and life, I truly believe, things will start to turn around.

I watch spiritual DVDs and listen to inspirational CDs. I read. I laugh with my husband, kiss my baby and play with my dog. And I work on staying present in the moment. No worrying about what tomorrow will bring. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring. I focus on the fact that all is well NOW. I have what I need NOW. I am breathing NOW. I can handle anything NOW and I'll handle tomorrow when it gets here.

Hearts of Gold ( is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of New York City's homeless mothers and their children. Its 13th Annual Fall Fundraising Gala, "It's A Love Thing," will be held on Thursday, November 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street.

Please join Rhonda Ross (ticket info here in support of these worthy women and children. The event will feature co-Mistresses of Ceremonies Soledad O'Brien, Anchor and Special Correspondent for CNN and Goodwill Ambassador for Hearts of Gold, along with Law & Order: Special Victims Unit's Tamara Tunie, also an accomplished producer and director as well as a member of Hearts of Gold's esteemed Advisory Board.

The family-friendly evening will include a cocktail reception and a live auction. The highlight of the 1970s-themed night will be a runway fashion show with the fall collections of Beth Bowley, Teenflo, Transit, Zapa, and other designers yet to be announced. And, for the first time this year, the gala will also feature an after-hours party dubbed "Love Unlimited" to be held following the fashion show and auction at Metropolitan Pavilion.

Proceeds from "It's A Love Thing" and "Love Unlimited" will be used to support the more than 450 children and over 375 mothers in residence annually at three Manhattan shelters.

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