Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Tiger should remember about a White Ford Bronco

Tiger, golf clubs, and rumors
By A.A. Onyeani
The Black Urban Times

The gloves never quite fit during those last few moments of the O.J. Trial, but the issue of race was pungent enough to smell. Tiger Woods is one of the most prolific athletes in the world. He's also an African-american male.

The dicotomy of being a black male athlete in the United States is that you're everything to a child, but once you mention pride in yourself as being African-american, kiss your endorsements good bye.
Tiger Woods has everything. Now comes the scrunity that faces every black man who marries a white woman. The question that mainstream America is going to want to know is "What did Tiger do wrong?". Only Tiger can answer that for us, we just hope he is safe and that he and his family will enjoy the rest of their now "infamous" holiday.

Rumors of infidelity followed another iconic black male athlete and we know what happened in that case. Of course, football was the sport that this particular athlete was in. Who's to say it was OJ or Steve Mcnair that I'm referring to here.

The point is that the African-american male athlete will always face adversity in the eyes of mainstream America. The question is will black male athletes ever learn from their mistakes in judgment?

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