Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Most Racially-Charged Stories of 2009

Brought to you by The Great Black Speakers Bureau, the #1 Black Speakers Bureau in the world. To join the Your Black World Coalition, please visit

Dr. Boyce on MSNBC's

The Latest from Dr Boyce on AOL Black Voices

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Lil Wayne Says Goodbye to Fans on His Way to Prison

  • Part of me feels sorry for Lil Weezy, also known as Lil Wayne. I am probably too old to understand ... Read More
  • By Boyce Watkins, PhD
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Five New Years Resolutions that Black Folks Should Observe

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Jesse Jackson Speaks on Man Shot in the Back by Police at Church

The Latest from Dr. Boyce on Black Planet's

OPINION: Black Males Plagued by Wrongful Convictions

OPINION: Tavis Smiley Should Not Be Working With R. Kelly

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