Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New York Post News Bits

Police chief gets nearly 3 years for Parker-Broderick break-in case

CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio — A former Ohio police chief has been sentenced to prison in connection with a break-in at the home of the surrogate who bore twins for Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick.

Barry Carpenter was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison Wednesday. He was convicted last month on charges of receiving stolen property, theft in office and evidence tampering but acquitted of other counts, including burglary.

His attorney vowed to appeal.

Carpenter resigned two weeks ago as chief in Martins Ferry, where the celebrity couple’s surrogate lived. Carpenter and Police Chief Chad Dojack of neighboring Bridgeport were accused of conspiring to steal items from the woman’s home to sell to paparazzi.

Dojack’s trial is scheduled for next month.

Woman pleads guilty to ID theft, getting married

Manhattan woman pleaded guilty this morning to stealing another woman's identity -- and then using it to get married.

Aracelis Cherico, 46, swiped Sara Benitez's identity when she tied the knot to a man named Nelson Bonilla back in November of 1992, court records show.

It was unclear why she used an assumed name to get married, or how she got Benitez's personal information, including her Social Security number.

Cherico used Benitez's information again in 2003, when she "sold or provided" it to a crooked Manhattan tax preparer, who listed Benitez as a "child care provider" on the returns of Cherico and 16 other clients, so they could get bigger tax returns.

Cherico also filed state and federal tax returns using Benitez's name in 2007 in an attempt to get a refund. The feds paid, but the state did not, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said.

Benitez found out about her "marriage" in 2004, when she tried to marry her longtime boyfriend and was turned away from the registrar's office.

The law started to catch up to her earlier this year, after the crooked tax preparer, Miguelina Fana, pleaded guilty to filing fraudulent returns.

Cherico pleaded guilty to identity theft, and will be sentenced to 60 days in jail and has to pay $8,632 in back taxes and penalties. As part of the deal, she also agreed "to assist in clearing the name of the victim, who has experienced difficulties in establishing her identity over the years," Morgenthau said.

Chief of Investigations Pat Dugan said Cherico's shenanigans had turned Benitez's life into "a living hell," causing her problems with the IRS and her personal life over the years."Identity theft just creates havoc for the victims," he said.

Benitez, 44, told The Post she was unhappy with the length of jail time Cherico is getting - "She should get a year for every year she put me through this nightmare," she said - but hopeful the plea will give her some "closure."

She said the DA's office is helping her get Cherico's marriage expunged, so that she can finally tie the knot.

"The only thing I asked was please get this cleared up so I can go down there, get married and call it a day," the mother of three said.

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