Monday, December 28, 2009

NY Daily News: Video of Chaos on The 6

A new video posted on the Internet purports to show a brutal fistfight aboard a subway train that turns even uglier when an innocent woman trying to break it up takes a blow to the face.

The 4-minute, 15-second video -- posted Saturday on and picked up on sites like YouTube -- is titled "Crazy subway fight 6 train nyc."

It is the latest in a growing number of online videos claiming to show real-life brawls.

The female peacemaker, wearing a Rocawear jacket, exhorts the two, "Don't do that!" and "Please stop!" but is ignored. SEE VIDEO HERE

The train pulls into what appears to be the Third Avenue-138th Street station in The Bronx and the brawl spills onto the platform.

As it continues, the woman is struck in the face, though it is difficult to tell if it was accidental.

She reels back onto the train. One of the men involved in the fight removes his shirt and tries to stop her bleeding, but the subway seat becomes covered in blood.

The video ends when the train doors close.

Although passengers appear to hold the train at the station for more than 2½ minutes, at no point are police or transit employees seen.

The NYPD said it was not aware of any such incident. A New York City Transit spokesman said the agency is reviewing the video.

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