Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger Woes Continue: DCFS Pays Family Compound a Visit?


By Alicia Cruz

As if Tiger and wife, Elin don't have enough to contend with from the past few weeks, now, according to they have the Department of Child and Family Services to deal with as of Saturday.

Accompanied by police, representatives of Florida's DCFS went to the disgraced golfer's mansion Saturday afternoon where, according to an unnamed source for, they stayed for "roughly an hour." The Woods have two children, 10-month-old Charlie and 2-year-old daughter Sam.

Carrie Hoeppner, a spokeswoman for the Florida DCFS, told the N.Y. Daily News, "I'm just not able by law to give confirmation about whether we visited the family and that is in the interest of protecting the child." No representative from the agency would confirm or deny their involvement with the Woods family.

All that Captain Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Department would say was "Our deputies met with members of the Department of Children and Families. But all details are being kept secret," Nieves did not say his deputies and DCFS officials were at the Woods family home on Saturday.

Repeated calls to Nieves by theblackurbantimes have not been returned at press time.

Child abuse investigations in all states are confidential and the name of the "informant" is never released. So it's anyones guess who called the CPS authorities on Mr. & Mrs. Woods and, better yet, why? There have been no reports that either of the children were injured or witnessed the alleged fight between their parents prior to the terrible accident that led to tabloid and major newspaper headline ribbing and slamming the golf superstar for cheating.

Tiger Woods' camp have made no statements confirming or denying this latest saga.

What say you about the latest chapter of the "Tiger-Gate" scandal? Cast your vote below.

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