Sunday, December 27, 2009

Woman Arrested By Secret Service for Threatening First Lady

By Alicia Cruz

The Secret Service has arrested a 35-year-old woman who threatened to "blow away" First Lady, Michelle Obama.
Kristy Lee Roshia was charged with threatening a family member of the President and assaulting a federal agent. She is being held without bail pending a detention hearing after her arrest less than two miles from the Kailua home where the Obama family was set to spend their Christmas vacation.
The assault charge came as a result of Roshia lunging at a Secret Service agent, striking him in the arms and face during her arrest.

The Secret Service Agency accuses Roshia of leaving "rambling messages" and sending "poems, love letters and photographs" of herself to the agency. They added that she also called the agency's Boston office last month telling a receptionist, "I will kill Michelle Obama" and "I will kill Marines."

Agents confronted Roshia on Saturday and after she told them she knew where President Obama and his wife would be staying during their visit to Hawaii, she was arrested.

As early as 2004, she told the agency that “although her mission is to assassinate the president, she has no desire to hurt him.”

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