Saturday, January 9, 2010

Keanu Reeves Paternity Suit Dismissed

by Alicia Cruz

Actor Keanu Reeves who recently had a paternity suit lodged against him by a Canadian woman who claimed the actor had fathered her child is in the clear after a judge branded the suit "patently unbelievable."
Karen Sala, who claimed that Reeves was the biological father of her four adult children, filed the suit against him last year demanding millions of dollars in back spousal support and child support. Her affidavit stated that Reeves agreed to take her to the Academy Awards and promised they would later marry.

All the while, Reeves, 46, steadfastly denied even knowing Sala and even offered to submit to DNA tests, which proved the actor was not the father of any of Sala's children.
Despite the DNA findings, Sala remained unfazed and hauled the Speed star back into court where she contested the DNA tests.

Sala, also 46, accused Reeves of using "hypnosis" to change the outcome of the testing.
Un-hypnotized by Sala's attempt at trickery, Judge Fred Graham tossed the case out of his court last week and told Sala to hit the bricks along with her bogus claims.

But not before saying, "The applicant's evidence is so incredible that it is not capable of acceptance by any reasonable trier of fact. A trial in this case would be a waste of limited judicial resources. It is evident that she (Sala) believes her allegations even though they are patently unbelievable to an objective observer."

Sala was ordered to pay Reeves legal costs which amounted to $15,000.

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