Sunday, April 18, 2010

NJ Endorses Consumer Protection Measure for Debit Cards

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

A new measure recently endorsed by the state Senate Commerce Committee seeks to protect consumers who use their debit cards at New Jersey businesses against identity theft.

In February, the measure passed the Assembly by a 76-0 vote and is now headed to the Senate for a vote, then on to the desk of Governor Chris Christie. If the measure is approved and becomes law, violators stand to face fines of up to $1,000.

The measure, already in place for credit card users, would require merchants to delete debit card account numbers and expiration dates on all sales receipts, including copies they retain, which would alleviate the possibility for thieves to use misplaced or tossed receipt copies to steal the identities of customers.

As with credit cards, merchants would not be permitted to print more than the last five digits of a customer's debit card numbers or expiration date. This would keep costs associated with implementation of the bill to a minimum.

"This is a straightforward consumer protection measure, said Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, D-Union. "We provide this protection for credit cards, we should provide it for debit cards."

Media Outlets must credit The Black Urban Times

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