Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rick Ross Speaks On Lawsuit w/DJ Vlad

After about 2 years and some change the lawsuit is finally over between Rick Ross and DJ Vlad. The problem started when DJ Vlad was assaulted by someone in Rick Ross' camp. The dispute was over DJ Vlad putting Rick Ross on blast for being an officer of the law. Make a long story short Vlad was checked and a court trial proceeded. Unfortunately for Rick Ross, Vlad won the trial but was only granted $300,000 for the mishap instead of the $4 million he was originally asking for. I would say that's a victory in Rick Ross' favor but check out what Rick Ross had to say about the lawsuit below:

If I was Rick Ross I would be going for the appeal!! Times are hard and not everyone has $300,000 to be forking over just like that! I'm just saying! What would you do?

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