Friday, April 23, 2010

Seems Like Someone Is Really Jealous

Where do I begin? Here we have a young, up and coming female MC by the name of Keys. As a lyricist I think the girl is nice but her claim to fame is hatin on Nicki Minaj? Wack move! Better yet....WHY? As a fan of Nicki Minaj I can tell you that Nicki Minaj didn't just pop onto the scene over night. Nicki has been grinding for a minute! Check her stats....she's been on tons of mixtapes, was on mad street DVD's but best known for being on "The Come UP" DVD. You have to admit a chick from Queens was original. She rapped in a London accent and just switched it up.

Now, I will agree with some of the things Keys is saying but one thing you can't deny is a person's GRIND! Where was all the competition when Nicki was putting in that work? No one mentioned her name when she was just a chick from Queens. But now that Nicki is with Young Money everybody seems to have her name in their mouth....I'm just curious, WHY? Is there that much hate? Or is it jealousy or envy? I'm all for giving someone shine and letting them show their talent but when you waste all of your talent on hatin and writing an entire song bashing someone else to make yourself look better.....I say you need to go back to the drawing board! That is too much hate for one person! Enjoy all the hate you want below:

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