Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ten Characteristic Traits of Good Black Men

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

There are more good, black fathers than women give credit to. I am seeing more fathers standing firm in their place of raising their sons and daughters and doing an excellent job at it.
Gone are the days where a father fled the scene before or immediately after the birth of their child; or avoided the home front for fear of the welfare or child support man.

Many are initiating child support proceedings or fighting for domicile custody as they say "no longer will I take or be forced in the background of my child's life. I count for more than a paycheck. I am a father."

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

So often we hear about the broken men in our society, but rarely do we hear about the unbroken, good men who, in spite of all the trials and tribulations they have endured in life, bring a wealth of love and happiness to others around them. This article is a small testimonial to those brothers.

We always read/hear about the damaged and broken men in our society and families, but rarely do we highlight the men who, in spite of their past mistakes, trials and tribulations, choose to love freely and live their lives with integrity; conscientious of the rights, needs and boundaries of others.

I'm talking about men like my father and many of my brothers; men whom I have loved in my past and been befriended by platonically.

The men who taught me how to identify healthy and self-less characteristic traits in men. These men taught me that there was no weakness in in admitting to mistakes and short-comings, but weakness in hanging on to the past and allowing it to infect the future. Men who taught me how to love myself first so that I could love others.

They taught me that no woman can ever emasculate a truly good man because a truly good man knows that his integrity, manhood and dignity are not tools that can be broken, they are the essence of his being. That's why unbroken men are never broken by bad relationships. They are made wiser and stronger.

The "blue-collar" brothers that we fail to notice due to their occupations and addresses, looks, style of dress get it from both ends of the spectrum and I can imagine that must be...full article here

In the meantime, view Alicia Austin's documentary on Good, Black Fathers

Media Outlets must credit
The Black Urban Times

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