Friday, May 7, 2010

Distorted Parental Views

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The two videos below are beyond atrocious. What kind of world are we living in when parents find this type of behavior "cute" or appropriate?

I think it's cute when a child dances and shakes their little booties, but gyrating, dropping it like it's hot; a boy and a little girl simulating sexually provocative dance moves while adults stand on the sidelines cheering them on is just downright appalling.

They should be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor. This is beyond inappropriate. What were these parents thinking???

It began with parents dressing their sons like little thugs and thinking that was absolutely adorable.

Then there were mother's buying their daughter these black, too short, adult mini-me outfits.

The other day I was at a bodega near Country Club Road and saw three little boys out front talking to each other in slang I couldn't begin to understand. They were calling each other nig****, mo fo's and bit****.

There were at least five adults, well, they weren't likely in a state of mind to correct anybody since I saw two of them sharing a marijuana joint so.....

But still, no parents were in sight (at least not in the immediate area) and these children looked like they hadn't bathed in days.

Small babies running the street like they're teenagers and talking trash like adults. WITW??!!

Stories like that of five-year-old Shaniya Davis who was raped and murdered, allegedly by a "friend" of her mother's last year shook us as a nation. We wondered how a mother could (if she did) sell her own baby into sexual slavery in exchange for drugs?

No, coaching little girls to dance in adult, sexually provocative manners is not the same as selling your child into sexual slavery, but it's poor parenting nonetheless. Everything your child learns during their formative years, they learn at your knee. These little sponges soak up all they hear and see and they emulate that.

If these young girls were having better examples set for them, perhaps some of them wouldn't enter womanhood with such distorted, immature, irresponsible views on what being a woman is truly about.

Your womanhood is not in your thighs, your breasts, how well you can "pop it" or how big your derriere is. It's in your spirit and character.

The men and women who came before us...who struggled, fought, bled and died to make this world a better place for us must be turning over in their graves!

Nurture, love and rear your daughters to be young ladies. Correct them when they do not articulate themselves properly. Discipline them when they're out here cursing and acting like female thugs.

Choose better men to procreate with so they will be able to teach the sons they produce with you how to be real men. Do not disseminate radical, immature, hateful, distorted opinions about black men or any men to your little boys based upon propaganda and your bad experiences. You are only setting your son up to enter his manhood lessened and demeaned.

Being parents, we are the first lines of defense our children have against the world and those in it. The examples we set at home dictate how our children will set up their own homes, who they will choose to love, procreate and interact with.

Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes you will do your best to provide for and rear your children and they will still go out and make poor choices, but take caution in how you carry, conduct yourself and who you allow to influence your children. They are your responsibility.

Fathers: stand up and take back your homes and families! Do not allow "the man" to dictate how, when and if you will be present in your home. Make better choices in who you sleep with, marry and date. Your future depends upon it.

We are all human and therefore fallible. If you make a poor decision and find yourself a single parent, fill that role well. Do not paint yourself a victim because you aren't. You are simply a man or a woman who finds themselves raising a child alone. Perform the task at hand well and remember that you are molding and shaping a little person who will go into the world one day representing you and what you have taught them.

If one parent is not present, do not blame them for how that child turns out. If a sorry or simply absent parent isn't present, how can you blame them for how the child you raised turned out?
Blame has never solved anything. It simply encourages passing the buck. If there's a problem, fix it!

Parenting isn't easy and we are not assigned a manual the day we leave the maternity ward. All we can do is our best. But make healthy, mature decisions and if you're unsure, confused or feel as if you just aren't cut out to do the best job give them to someone who can, ask someone or apply for a parenting class. Numerous agencies offer them for free.

Do not abandon, abuse or outright neglect them. No one can blame you for giving your child to someone who is able to care for them properly when you cannot. That takes courage and honesty. It doesn't take courage or honesty to abuse, neglect or abandon a child. Any shirker can do that.

These atrocious videos should serve as a catalyst to encourage us to stop fostering this type of behavior in our any children. Do not cheer this type of foolishness on and walk away when you see it being done. No fad wins attention without an approving audience.

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