Monday, May 3, 2010

When Love Attacks...

Step Back, You're Not a Zoo Keeper!

By Alicia Cruz

The other night I was watching this reality show called "When Animals Attack."

The entire premise of this animal "shocku-mentary" is based upon mans interaction with wild animals such as sharks, pit bulls, bears or alligators while in their natural habitat.

I'm a realist and while I haven't always been one, as I advanced in years, I came to realize that my father was right: Denial is a River in Egypt and it'll drown you if you dive in and can't swim. So stay away from deep waters if you know you can't swim.

My father is famous for his wise sayings, which, while they made no sense to me in my youth, have come to save my mental health in my adult years.

I loathe dumb shows like "When Animals Attack."

I say dumb because the actors are.....Full article here

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The Black Urban Times

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