Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is Lil Kim Dissin Nicki Minaj?

Let me start this article off by saying I love me some Nicki Minaj but I also love me some Lil Kim. I was in my late teens/early twenties when Bad Boy was doing big things in the 90's. Biggie, Puffy, Junior Mafia, 112, Total and Faith Evans were the shit and you couldn't tell me nothing different. Lil Kim was the epitome of sexy, raunchy, gutter and hood (lyrically). She was different and spoke of things no other female MC before her spoke of. She was graphic and detailed about her sexual exploits and the public loved her for that. :) Bring the times to the present and we now have Nicki Minaj who many say emulates what Lil Kim represented back then. Obsession? Flattery? Whatever the case, I think both women do extraordinarily well in their fields of entertainment. So why are we so stuck on comparing Nicki Minaj with Lil Kim? Could it be the plastic surgery? The colorful wigs? I don't know what it is but all I can say is no one is making a big deal about Lady Gaga jocking Grace Jones' style! So why when Lil Kim performed at a concert in Buffalo recently and threw her wig off and exclaimed "I'm soo above this" people are thinking she's talking about Nicki Minaj? Did Lil Kim say Nicki Minaj's name? I know I didn't hear her say that! I think we are making way to big a deal with all this. How about Lil Kim just really feels that she's above and beyond where she used to be in life? Or is that too simple for you guys? Check out the concert footage below and see what the internet is going crazy over:

And in more Nicki Minaj news, Ms. Minaj will be gracing one side of the Vibe magazine cover for their June/July issue while Erykah Badu graces the other. Check out Nicki's cover below:

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