Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is Shawn Merriman Being Cheated On?

I received a very interesting email about Shawn Merriman and his girlfriend, Thamarra. Now for those of you who are not familiar with who Shawn Merriman is...he is an NFL player for the San Diego Chargers. Shawn Merriman is also known for sparking the beef between his ex-girlfriend, Gloria Velez and Tila Tequila. Apparently, Shawn Merriman cheated on Gloria Velez with Tila Tequila (that was a complete downgrade Shawn and you lost points for that one!) and that started the beef between the two ladies. You may also know Shawn Merriman's name because he was accused of stomping a mud hole in Tila Tequila's ass. KARMA! :) Nevertheless, Shawn Merriman is on to the next one with his new girlfriend Thamarra.

According to Media Take Out, Shawn Merriman just bought his new girlfriend a brand new Mercedes Benz! Picture of the Benz below:

Now here is where the email gets even more interesting! There are photos of Thamarra with Haitian model, Marvin Bienaime, in a bathroom looking very comfortable. Marvin is in his briefs and Thamarra is looking hot and sweaty. The emailer thinks Thamarra is cheating on Shawn Merriman with Haitian model Marvin. Picture below:

I will say this........the photos are not bad. They really don't look suspect. In fact, it looks as if both Thamarra and Marvin were at a photoshoot but the person who emailed me thinks otherwise. So with that said, I will let you guys be the judge.....do you think Thamarra is cheating on Shawn Merriman with Haitian model, Marvin Bienaime or what? Me, personally, I don't think so but it's a good question to pose to my readers. Would love to hear what you have to say!

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