Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When Hatred For Us Comes From Within Our Inner Circle

By Ron Royce
For The Black Urban Times

In My Opinion

There are those who profit greatly off of the misery, chaos, misfortunes of Black people; people who wish for things to stay the same and never change.

No, these people are not just those outside of our race, but our fellow brothers and sisters. Our fellow brothers and sisters whose jobs, pockets, elections, relevance, grants, etc are dependent upon the continued conditions of a certain segment of the black community.

Poverty pimp or "professional poverty pimp" is a pejorative label used to convey that an individual or group is benefiting unduly by acting as an intermediary on behalf of the poor, the disadvantaged, or some other "victimized" groups.

Those who use this appellation suggest that those so labeled profit unduly from the misfortune of others, and therefore do not really wish the societal problems that they appear to work on to be eliminated permanently, as it is not in their own interest for this to happen.

The most frequent targets of this accusation are those receiving government funding or that solicit private charity to work on issues on behalf of various disadvantaged individuals or groups, but who never seem to be able to show any amelioration of the problems experienced by their target population.

Some even suggest that that if profit were eliminated as a factor, greater steps in the alleviation of the oppressive situations could begin to truly occur.

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