Thursday, July 1, 2010

Man In The Mirror: Tears Of A Blackman’s Redemption

Editorial By: Krusher Kronkite
The Black Urban Times

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran

I'm going to address this subject in all of its clarity to ensure that all of the ingredients will nourish your brain and the nutrients will keep you healthy and wise. Many speculate that Chris Brown's emotional MJ tribute was a direct result of a publicity induced agenda to garner sympathy after being shunned after the Rihanna fiasco that ended in Brown brutally attacking her and losing millions in endorsements. After being sentenced to probation and community service Chris was photographed signing autographs and baring his chest as he cleaned trash from vacant lots. Last year when he was denied to perform on BET following the untimely death of Michael Jackson we all knew the reason why that decision was made. On the first anniversary of the King's death millions became anxious as to who would perform the tribute.

After Jermaine leaving us in suspense without a name for introduction, we all breathed a sigh of relief as we witnessed the curtain rise revealing one of Michael's disciples to conjure his spirit. In pure Chris Brown fashion he seduced the audience with the grace of his idol and within the next few minutes we would witness in my opinion one of the most riveting performances in music history. I also condemn his actions for the souls of the battered and slaughtered women that were victimized by a scourge of sadistic mongrels disregard for human life and well being. However, surprisingly I found myself rooting for Chris to finish the entire song as he struggled to grasp for air to recite MJ's "Man In The Mirror" and deep inside I knew that his tears held a deeper meaning that has prevented Black men from experiencing the cleansing process that we desperately need in order to find balance in our turbulent lives.

The Black man's biggest enemy is himself as he spends most of his life entering into relationships that has no meaning until he decides to understand the relationship with himself. Navigating the landscape of repressed anger are the land mines of destructive behavior that led to Chris confronting the harsh realities that has eluded his conscious until this defining moment on that stage. Brown's actions are a reflection of statistic's that dare need quoting and an opportunity to allow Michael's words to penetrate the spirits of many Black men that suffocate their spirits by smothering their need to forgive themselves from the mistakes of the past and allowing the process of healing to prosper in their hearts. Chris Brown's indiscretions became sensationalized after the media determined that he was in a higher tax bracket and a celebrity that abuses women. In our lives tears are as foreign to our eyes as the emancipation of our souls that hold them captive.

Black men must learn to cleanse ourselves of the guilt and eradicate the stigma associated with crying that has hindered our emotional well being and health due to a generational curse of suppressing our feelings. There are many of us that often find solace and acceptance in liquor bottles, drugs, and gangs unfortunately as the weight of our anger takes precedence over our relationships that ultimately destroys them. Chris Brown is a young man faced with those same dilemma's and in my opinion I felt that his tears were genuine. "Man In The Mirror" was a song that resonated with me during my youth as I sat watching the images in the video that reduced me to tears of validity and honesty within myself. The beauty of Chris Brown's moment of clarity was Chris Brown's moment of clarity despite the opinions of myself or any other pundit that dare think otherwise.

I applaud "C-Breezy" for taking the first steps for allowing the lyrics of change to penetrate his conscious that has eluded Black men to find the peace we desperately need regardless of fame and fortune. On that pivotal evening Michael spoke beyond the grave and sadly many missed the deeper understanding of a man that is growing and learning along the way. I strongly feel that the higher power has the forgiving nature that has allowed many strong Black men to move forward and reclaim their lives one tear at a time and renounce societies validity in the process of our cleansing. "So don't trip Chris go ahead and make that change, I have some tissue brother".


Krusher Kronkite
Phenomenal Black Man
Part 2 Coming Soon!

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