Friday, September 3, 2010

Federal Authorities: 'Don't Remove That Mattress Tag!'

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The last time I flipped my mattress and caught a glimpse of that "Do not remove" tag, I silently wondered what would happen if i actually did. I mean it's just a friggin' tag, right? Besides, whose actually going to come to my house search my bed for a tag? The mattress police?

Well, according to this NY Post article, they just might do that.

Brooklyn Sleep Products of South Williamsburg received a visit from the Federal Mattress Police after they allegedly violated several consumer protection laws by lacking said tags and several of it's beds were found to be highly flammable. The findings prompted federal authorities to request that a judge shut the companies doors.

According to Federal Authorities, Brooklyn Sleep Products, which manufactures and refurbishes mattresses for East Coast discount stores, failed Consumer Product Safety Commission flammability tests in August 2008, March 2009 and February of this year.

And when the mattress label says, "Do not remove," the government obviously means it.

"Consumers should know that our agency put in place strong standards that allow the consumer more time to escape a fire and limits the damage to their residence," The NY Post reported that commission spokesman Scott Wolfson said.

Company president Francisco Chavez failed to appear before Brooklyn federal Judge Roslynn Mauskopf this week. His employee, José Morales, told The Post Chavez was attending his mother's funeral.

The judge rescheduled a hearing for Sept. 14.

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