Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Your 'Black Dialect' Could Hurt You in The Workplace

Source: Newsone

I once worked for an Iranian woman as her personal assistant. She was strict, stubborn, and tough. In other words, she was a bitch. But she was a bitch that was about her business. So, for that, I respected her. Well, at least I did until she made a comment about my speech.

One day while in the office....MORE

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1 week ago

She said that she spoke proper English. My thought is, if you can’t pronounce “ask” correctly, then you don’t speak proper English . . .


2 days ago

Did you actually read the definition of dialect? If you had you would know that alternate pronunciation is a feature of a dialect. Different doesn’t necessarily mean wrong.

I guess the broken English of a foreigner is so much better!


1 week ago

That was just an example she gave.


1 week ago

There is a difference between an accent and not being able to say the word right. If you were born here, you know damn well that “Ax” is wrong, as is “birfday,” “Libary” Or the ever popular inability to use one syllable words like “of” and “are” example-”Get out the car,” or We ready”. Jesus! Wise up, if you talk like a dumbass, people will think you are one. Period.


6 days ago

They can kiss the top of my ass!!! They need to try to get like us instead of us getting like them. They need to search the heavens and get the big stick outta their asses. Also they need to stop thinking Black are beneath them. People come from other countries and succeed and its because this country doesn’t value blacks still till this day. Well they are in for a treat. I am young, attractive, educated, ghetto and talented… yeah I said it EDUCATED I’d run circles around some of these mofo’s with my vocabulary and insight. So again I say… They can kiss the top of my ass crack.


2 days ago

Sorry for the many typos…that would be:

“Play by the rules, but be ferocious....MORE

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