Thursday, September 30, 2010

The New Xbox 360 Kinect

Well, well, well. What do we have here? A brand new type of Xbox 360!! This new Xbox is something that the masses are going to be out shopping for. If I don't know anything else, I know that come "Black Friday" the lines to Best Buy and any other electronics store is going to be around the corners!!! The new Xbox 360 Kinect is absolutely remote free. Did you hear me? I said no remotes are needed. You just play the game! No board to stand on, no wireless remote to swing around in your hand. You need nothing to play the new Xbox 360 except yourself!!!! Don't believe me? Check it out for yourselves below:

See what I mean? This new Xbox 360 Kinect will be available in November!! Will you be rushing out to the stores to cop your kids this new device? I know I might....depending on the price. ;-)

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