Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 Warning Signs of Infidelity by “America’s Marriage Coach” Jacqueline Del Rosario,

10 Warning Signs of Infidelity
by Jacqueline Del Rosario

Although most people never plan on cheating, relationships can be fraught with unforeseen temptations that can lead a mate astray.  Signs of relationship infidelity come in many forms – some obvious, others more subtle.

“Even before physical cheating comes emotional cheating—the sharing and divulging intimate details of our lives with someone other than our spouse,” notes “America’s Marriage Coach” Jacqueline Del Rosario (www.doctordelrosario.com).  “Such emotional cheating often serves as the gateway to physical infidelity; once you begin to share how you feel, your dreams and inspirations with another person, it is only a matter of time before that ends in the bed. You are creating a bond with that person on an emotional level, and that emotional tie all too often escalates into an inappropriate physical connection.”

Here, Dr. Del Rosario offers 10 classic warning signs that your partner may, in fact, be cheating emotionally, physically or both:

1.       Sudden changes in schedule or chronically cancelling plans.  For example, you and your mate routinely have dinner every Thursday night at your favorite restaurant, but lately your partner has been cancelling and coming up with a number of different excuses.

2.       Starts fights and makes accusatory statements more often.  You notice your mate is more on edge and starts fights more often. This also might include suddenly accusing you of cheating.  This could be a guilty conscience at play. A quick anger trigger, getting easily exasperated, and “picking fights” more frequently are other classic clues something is amiss, as these actions create distance for freedom to come and go as they please. It also provides a backdrop for an actual breakup to gain permanent freedom from the relationship.

3.       Being emotionally withdrawn.  It’s never a good sign when it takes effort to make even basic conversation with your mate, and also when your partner no longer asks for more in-depth details about things going on in your life—career, family, friends, hobbies and otherwise. This broad-sweeping disinterest can speak volumes. 

4.       Constant texting or using other virtual modalities.  You notice your mate is constantly on, or checking, the phone or computer, at all hours of the day and night. You may also have discovered your mate has joined new social networks without telling you.

5.       Being secretive with the phone.  Every time the phone rings your companion goes to another room to take the call. Or you notice the immediate deleting of emails and text messages and keeping the phone face down at all times.

6.       Changing passcodes.  Your mate frequently changes telephone, email and social networking site login information.

7.       Constantly working late.  Your mate is constantly coming home late and blames it on their work schedule—even when it is not the busy season. The same would hold true for a higher volume of business trips.

8.       Changes in sexual patterns and/or alertness.  You and your mate used to have sex 3 to 4 times per week but lately, your partner seems disinterested and now you have sex only once a week or less. Or, your mate asks you to try new positions or “toys,” even knowing you may not be comfortable with it.

9.       Immediate shower upon arriving home, especially when it was not routine before.  Upon returning home, your mate immediately runs to the shower before greeting you in an effort to wash away any evidence. 

10.   Changing underwear.  You notice your mate has been wearing new and sexier under garments. Or, you find your mate’s under garments in the garbage.

“America’s Marriage Coach” Jacqueline Del Rosario is President and CEO of Recapturing the Vision International, an organization dedicated to promoting healthy marriages and family strengthening. Also a published author, speaker and nationally regarded media personality, Dr. Del Rosario has been a certified pre and post-marital counselor for more than 20 years. Her cutting-edge series, Marriage Solutions and The Marital Constitution™, help couples successfully work through problems and find healthy solutions. She has two children and currently resides in Miami, Fl with her husband of over 20 years. Dr. Del Rosario may be reached online atwww.doctordelrosario.com.

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