Thursday, September 30, 2010

Remembering Camille

By Lawrence Everett Forbes

In this gripping story, Forbes shares insight into the life of his "goody-two shoes" cousin who wasn't supposed to die before he did. Read on...

I came home on the evening of August 31, 1998, exhausted from helping a friend move out of her apartment. The last thing I expected was to be asked to confirm the death of my cousin, Camille.

“Is it true?” an aunt asked me over the phone. “Is she dead?”

She didn’t sound drunk, but I was certain she had to be—until I heard her say Uncle Leo had left word that his daughter had passed away from arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), a rare heart condition.

I threw myself into cleaning my bedroom. Camille had graduated UPenn law school that May, turned 25 that June, taken the Bar Exam...MORE

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