Sunday, January 16, 2011

This Day in History: Remembering The Persian Gulf War

Remember & support our troops. Some gave all...all gave some War 1991

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

On this day, January 16, 1991, many U.S. Veterans: my brothers, yours, former/current spouses, sisters, fathers, mothers and other relatives were in Saudi Arabia awaiting word to cross over into Kuwait.

Beginning in June 1990, U.S. military personnel kissed their loved ones goodbye as they joined a U.N.-authorized coalition force comprised of thirty-four nations led by Britain and the United States, against Iraq. It had only been two years since the United States had invaded Panama, yet our war weary troops saddled up and headed off to another foreign land in the name of democracy.

The invasion of Iraqi troops into Kuwait on August 2, 1990 brought about punitive measure by the UN Security Council against Iraq and prompted then-President George H.W. Bush to deploy American troops into Saudi Arabia in order to prevent Iraq from invading the Arab Kingdom.

The air strike to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began 20 years ago today. The ground assault followed on February 23, with Iraqi troops launching Scud missiles against coalition targets in Saudi Arabia and Israel. However, they were no match for the coalition, which consisted of over 500,000 U.S. troops, in addition to thousands of troops from Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Egypt. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease-fire 100 hours after the ground assault began, reigning victory for coalition forces after liberating Kuwait.
Veterans Today/Gulf War Highway 1991

The intricate all-out aerial and ground assault, utilizing advanced technology and the massive presence of various military forces was credited for the quick ending of the war.
The affirmation of Kuwait's liberation was announced on February 27, 1991 and on March 10, 1991 Operation Desert Farewell began as our U.S. troops headed home.

The number of U.S. military personnel killed and/or injured during the Gulf War and Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm remains controversial. Several media outlets have reported 147 American troops were killed with others reporting the death toll at 235.

The Battle of Khafji (Saudi Arabia), the first major ground engagement of the Gulf War, began on January 29, 1991 and ended February 1, 1991 when U.S. Marines, Army Rangers, Qatari troops, and the Saudi Arabian National Guard forced Iraqi troops back with the help of aerial support and extensive artillery firepower provided by allied forces.

The Battle of Khafji reportedly claimed the lives of 43 service members and left 52 wounded. Among the dead were 25 U.S. troops. Eleven were believed to have been killed by "friendly fire," with two other service members having been injured and another two captured by Iraqi forces in Al-Khafji. Fourteen Air Force crewmen were killed when their AC-130 plane was shot down by an Iraqi surface-to-air-missile (SAM). Scud missile attacks in Dhahran reportedly killed 28 U.S. service members.

Today, observe a moment of silence in memory of all those who served during the Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, and those who serve/d and died in all American wars/conflicts. These men, women and their families have sacrificed more than time in order to preserve our freedom. All gave some, but some gave all. 
The Black Urban Times salutes members of our U.S. Armed Forces and their families, today and everyday. Thank you all for the sacrifices you have made and continue to make for us.


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1-877-4AID-VET or 1-877-424-3838

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