Monday, February 7, 2011

Allegations Prompt Federal Review of Embattled Church of Scientology

Controversial Church of Scientology is under Federal review by the FBI for suspicion of human trafficking and acts of enslavement.

The feds launched the probe into the church after members of the "Sea Org" religious order made allegations of abuse that included members being sent to "the hole," which consisted of two trailers on the San Jacinto, California compound where more than 80 members were sent to perform "group confessions" that lasted all day and all night.

Canadian screenwriter and former church member Paul Haggis, who directed the movie "Crash," told the New Yorker that he witnessed children as young as ten-years-old performing manual labor after being forced to join the sect. The 57-year-old said the sight put him in mind of child slaves he saw while in Haiti.

"They were ten years old, twelve years old ... scrubbing pots, manual labor -- that so deeply touched me," said Haggis. "My God, it horrified me!"

The probe, which has been underway for at least a year, is focusing on Church leader, and close friend of actor Tom Cruise, David Miscavige. Federal investigators are looking into everything from how he ran the church to his "swanky lifestyle."

The executive director, or any leader of a tax-exempt organization is not supposed to live like a celebrity, which many say applies to Miscavige. He flies on chartered jets, wears expensive, custom-made shoes and has chefs catering to his needs. One report stated Miscavige, whose wife, Michelle is also a member of Sea Org member, was given a $70,000 super bike.

Paul Haggis vs The Church of Scientology

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