Monday, February 7, 2011

Coney Island Teen Questioned in Death of Newborn Infant

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The parents of a 14-year-old Coney Island girl told police they had no clue their daughter was pregnant until after she gave birth Monday morning.

Police have questioned the young mother, whose name has not been released to the media, after finding the remains of her newborn baby in a garbage bag.
The girl's parents rushed her to a local hospital after finding her bleeding profusely. Hospital officials called police after examining her and realizing she had just given birth.
When officers arrived at the family's W. 31st Street apartment around 5:30 a.m., they discovered the infant dead in the teenager's bedroom.

Last year, another Brooklyn mother abandoned her newborn baby outside of an apartment building in near-freezing temperatures.
28-year-old Maria Solano walked two-doors down from the apartment she was sharing with a friend, and left her infant son after she rang doorbells hoping someone would answer and find the baby. 

Neighbors at Solano's 68th Street apartment said the woman did not appear to be pregnant and had three other children, all under the age of five. A tenant in the building where Solano left the baby found the tiny baby boy wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in a plastic bag. He still had the umbilical cord attached.

Solano, who lived just a few blocks from a FDNY firehouse, where she could have left the infant without fear of prosecution under the state's safe-haven laws, was later arrested and charged with reckless endangerment and abandonment of a child.

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