Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baby Mosley's Heart Goes to Maryland Girl

The death of baby Louis Mosley has many wanting to
know who really responsible for the death of this helpless foster child

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

A one-year old Maryland child has a new heart thanks to the family of a Brooklyn child who died after he was senselessly beaten by his foster mother's 19-year-old boyfriend.
Little Louis Dewayne Mosely, mistakenly identified as Kymel Oram, died at Brookdale University Hospital where he brought after he sustained a lacerated liver, three broken ribs and a crushed spleen, allegedly at the hands of Kysheen Oliver.
Mosley's tiny little heart stopped twice before he was revived and stabilized by emergency medial technicians. He clung to life for 11 days before succumbing to his injuries.

Police sources told the New York Daily News the 17-month-old baby appeared to have been "brutalized" on a daily basis and was "covered with deep bruises.” He bore tears around his anus, suggesting sexual abuse.
A social worker from New York City's Administration for Children's Services reportedly visited the East New York apartment of 32-year-old Teyuanna Cummings a month before the March 19 beating and allegedly reported that the Fountain Avenue apartment was in "Okay" condition and had "food in the refrigerator," a police source told the New York Daily News. "Apparently that's all they look at," said the unidentified officer.
Cummings allegedly told police she left the baby with Oliver, who is known in her Brooklyn neighborhood as "killer," while she took her 10- year-old biological daughter and 9-year-old special needs foster son to school. Police gave no timeline on how long it took Cummings to walk the children to school and return to her apartment.
She told investigators that when she returned, Mosley was struggling to breathe and she thought he was having an asthma attack. Then she saw him vomit blood and summoned for help. When police arrived, she told them that a crib sheet and the child's clothing had been changed, which she claimed was unusual for her boyfriend to do.

Oliver remains in police custody since turning himself in to 75th precinct detectives for questioning on March 19 when he learned he was wanted for questioning. His charges of second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child are likely to be upgraded since baby Mosley died. Cummings previous scrapes with the law included a November 2009 assault charge involving a female, which was dismissed, and she was caught shoplifting baby clothes from a Target store in October 2010, the Daily News reported.
The ACS has opened an investigation into Cummings, who has not been charged with Mosley's assault or death, and asked a Family Court judge to place her daughter and foster son in protective care.
As pallbearers carried Mosley's tiny white and gold casket into the the Oratory Church of St. Boniface in downtown Brooklyn, 75 mourners sang the hymn "I Want To Walk As a Child of the Light." His casket remained closed throughout the service, which was attended by several police officers and hospital workers who treated Mosley. Many wept openly throughout the emotional, hour-long Mass and funeral. His biological parents, Jamie Oram and Keith Mosely and baby sister, Alanna sat in the front row of the church.
Mosely's relatives confirmed that his heart was donated to a Baltimore girl, but gave no further details.

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