Wednesday, September 28, 2011


When did you start your site?

We started developing Playd in June of 2011.

How did you get the idea?

I formed the idea with my co founder Alex Galkin after realizing there was no way for gamers to share their experiences across multiple platforms. There were apps out that allowed you to track what games you played, but you got nothing out of it. We aim to make it a fun experience to share what your playing, and we want to also reward you for doing so. Another problem we aimed to solve was better engagement between game publishers and gamers. The old way of traditional advertising is over. People want more interactivity around the brands they love.

What made you "think outside the box" growing up?

I think being around smart people always made me think outside of the box. I had great influences and was able to see that being smart was my key out of trouble. Just being very curious and wanting to know how things work.

Why don't you think more minorities get into tech development?

I think early on doing certain things made you seem like a geek or uncool. There were certain things I did in school growing up and people would make comments such as "That's white people stuff." But now we are moving into an era where being smart is a cool thing. The interest levels are growing, its just that most minorities are not being fed the right food. Computer science, engineering, and many technical areas are intimidating to people. But, we have to put a focus on this early on with young people and the future will be bright.

Can you see this app becoming more mainstream?

Yes. Gaming is mainstream. Gaming has no color or age to it, everyone plays games. If people think its cool, then It will be easy to go viral. I feel like im solving a real problem for me and other gamers with Playd. The key to being mainstream is to solve a problem millions of people have.

Why is silicon valley still so free of color?

Its the interest levels. More people of color has to actually want to be in tech first. And secondly there are alot of VC's who have admitted to pattern matching. Meaning they only invest in patterns of successful entrepreneurs. So there are not many black entrepreneurs so they don't invest in us. Not seeing people of color get funding for their ideas traction or no traction can be discouraging.

Where are all of the black vc's?

There are a few black VC's that exist. But I do think that athletes and entertainers can easily find a way into this industry. I see them throw away $25,000 on a chain. That money could help launch the next Twitter. It goes back to the awareness and interest levels. 

Is it hard to build an app?

Yes. Once you realize that its going to be hard, that's when it becomes easy. You set your expectations to a real level. You have to either be a programmer or find a technical cofounder who can do the building. There are tons of resources available in books and on the internet as well to learn about every aspect of a startup. You never stop learning, there are new business development techniques I learn everyday.

apple vs android..your take?

Im a fan of both. But I personally like the android devices better. The iOS platform trumps all however.

What advice can you give to young people?

Being smart is cool. Figure out what your passion is, and become a walking encyclopedia on the topic. Learn how your passion makes money, then determine the steps you have to take to make a living off of your passion as well. That way you never have to live your life working, because you love what you do.

5 year plan?

In five years I want to be really successful. I want to be able to put together my own fund and continue the cycle of investing in our entrepreneurs. Thats the only way we can win.
Anthony Frasier
CoFounder of Playd

1 comment:

  1. Just happen to catch the special documentary of The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley on CNN the other night and was really impressed with everyones experience and determination to get their product and company started. I am not much of a gamer, but recently purchased a PS3 for a brief past time when at home. But because of that show, I wanted to show support...So I downloaded the application PLAYD. Hope it means something.

    Good Luck!!


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