Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Exclusive Interview: Author CJ Hudson is a fashionista turned author ready to shake up urban fiction

By Ziti

Hi CJ how are you?

Hello! I am great!

Your bio is very interesting. It says that you helped create fashion for Calvin Klein and other famous brands...how did this lead into writing? Well it served more as an inspiration for me; I simply used my fashion background as material for my book.

So you hail from Hudson, NY... how was it growing up there? Being that you was known as the "mayor of Hudson".  Growing up in Hudson, NY was great for me! There was a huge sense of community and that’s something that you don’t see too much of anymore. I was known as the “mayor of Hudson” because there wasn’t a soul that didn’t know me and if you didn’t know me… by the end of the day you would have. Not to say that I was popular it’s just a small town and I stood out simply because I was me… thick glasses, great style and unlike any other. You know that saying “It takes a village to raise a child?” That’s what Hudson was like for me. My family name rings bells there as well because I have a lot of relatives that were born and raised in Hudson; we pretty much ruled that town along with a few other large families. I will never forget where I came from because Hudson, NY made me!

You have two degrees in fashion design and computer graphics. How has this helped you?

This has helped me tremendously it’s given me the resources I need to help me to achieve my dreams as a Fashion Designer. As for Computer Graphics, I have the skills to create my own artwork and basically become a one-stop shop for myself. I mean why go searching for others to do something for you when you can simply do it yourself.

How did your father's encouragement to "create trends, not follow them" help you in your life as it is now? 

That has become the creed that I live my life by… I am not a follower and never have been. I’ve always walked to the beat of my own drum and he’s instilled that in me. My father is deceased now but those words were one of the greatest gifts besides life that he could have given to me because there were the blue-print to discovering myself for who I am now and who I will become.

When did your passion for writing become a part of your life?

Well I’ve been writing for a long time it was more of an outlet for me…a hobby. It wasn’t until the past 2yrs that I decided to actually take my writing serious and do something with it. So last year when I sat down in front of my computer and Micheal Rogue- Life Unscripted came to life; I knew then in the depths of my soul that I must continue, complete and publish this novel no matter what. I am so glad that I did because it’s a huge accomplishment for me!

What type of writing genre would you say your books are in? Urban fiction, street lit, etc?

  I am still a newbie in the world of writing but I would say that my genre is a mixture of both Urban Fiction and Street Lit.

Your book, Michael Rogue: Life Unscripted is now available on amazon.com. Give our readers a synopsis of what it’s about.

 Micheal Rogue-Life Unscripted: is a provocative novel it tells the story of a young woman Micheal Rogue Thomis who Thinks she has life all figured out. Nothing has ever come easy for her and she has earned all her successes, a lucrative self-employed career as a Fashion Consultant, top of the line luxury vehicles and a lofty brownstone in Manhattan, NY.  
She’s intelligent, desirable, alluring, what some would call a triple threat and stops at nothing to get what she wants no matter what the consequences may be. Her roguish ways exposes a dark side that manifest itself into forms that are unimaginable. 
Boundaries become non-existent, lies and deception leads her down a path that reveals her deepest darkest desires. 
Will she realize her faults before it’s too late…I don’t know. Or will she continue on the path of self destruction?
 That’s for my readers to find out.

Are you writing a series of these books or is there a sequel?
 Yes, It is actually a series and I am currently working on the second book “ Cuyler’s Diary” in which one would pretty much have to read Micheal Rogue-Life Unscripted to get a better understanding of who Cuyler is but that’s to be discussed later on down the road.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

Micheal of course, she’s the main character and she’s a trip and will have you in a library talking back to the book.

What was your journey creating your first book?

 The first book came very natural to me… it all sort of flowed right out of me it’s almost like I could channel the characters and put them into action. I work a full-time job and I am also still heavily involved in my fashion but I still found time to get this book finished.

What are your favorite things to do?

I just love to create and anything creative, I love fashion but hate to shop( go figure) , I love to probe another’s mind it’s so fun, I really enjoy reading, Art of all mediums, I paint, sketch , you name it I’ve had my hands in it. I also love a great lounge, cocktail and music… I am simple in many ways and yet still very complex.

How can our readers buy your book?

You can purchase my book on www.amazon.com

Are you on social media (facebook, twitter)?

Yes I am and you can follow me on twitter @cjhughes32
And please “like” me on FACEBOOK @http://www.facebook.com/pages/CJ-Hughes/278065748890056

How are sales?

Surprisingly my sales are going pretty good… I mean could they be a little better sure they can I am optimistic about it though.

What advice can you give to other new authors?

 My advice to other new authors would be to follow your dreams, and stop at nothing until you reach them. Don’t make excuses on why you can’t get it done just discipline yourself and stay focused and get it done.  ‎"Be the author of your life and write a story no one will ever forget."-CJ Hughes

What’s your favorite music?

Oh I am a huge neo-soul/cognitive hip hop head and I also love jazz I just basically have a huge respect for music and have really eclectic taste. However artists such as Raheem Devaughn, Jill Scott, Ledisi and Common inspire me in many ways.

What’s your 5 year plan?

Ah… my favorite question… In 5 years I plan to have my life pretty much going in the direction that it needs to be. This means to live out my dreams as a Mogul Author/Fashion Designer/Stylist. I am on my Drake flow “I just want to be successful!”

What is the name of your website?

Any shout outs?

Yes, I would like to give a special shout out to my mother Frances Hughes because she’s my rock, my sister Wanda Pertilla Hughes, Brother William C Hughes Jr. , my supportive family members (too many to name). The beautiful model on the cover Rese blackcloud Wright, my publicist Erika Gordon, the photographer Quincy Sims who took the photos for my cover and last but certainly not least all my friends and supporters I love you all and thank you all so much!!!

We are looking forward to hearing and seeing more about the great CJ Hughes. Good luck with everything!

1 comment:

  1. after reading this book i am intrigued to read more from this author. i find her insight amazing, witty, fun and free spirited and enjoyed this read greatly i recommend it to those readers who enjoy reading zane..i couldnt put this book down .. its grasping.


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