Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Interview: Shakur Sozahdah's Los Blancos is a hot and sexy web series that you have to watch1

shakur sozahdah..creator of LOS BLANCOS

TBUT:How long have you been screenwriting?
I've been writing most of my life. Whether it was rap lyrics, songs, poetry, screen plays, or scripts...I just enjoy writing. It's a way for me to express what I feel and I how I feel.What's amazing about writing, is that there's no right or's just a way of expression. When I write non fictional stories, it gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts and life experiences with others, and I'm able to release my emotions, and other's emotions on paper.
TBUT:What made you interested in screenwriting?
When I write fictional stories, it gives me an escape from reality and I'm able to make the unfathomable and impossible scenarios, into very tangible realities. When it comes to "Los Blancos", lets just say that I'm very familiar with the lifestyle. Lol! 

TBUT:Can you tell us about your latest show, Los Blancos? Where did the idea from the show come from? Is it based on a true story or real people?
I created the idea, by myself, a while ago. I tried to be nice and gave someone co-creator credit, to give them a good look and build up their resume...huge business mistake! Lol! But the reality of it, is that I created it, and brought the story to life. I wanted to do something that women and the Latin market could well as every other demographic. When I thought of the idea, and named the show "Los Blancos", it was rather simple for me to name the characters and give them life, because I knew exactly the direction I wanted the story to head.

TBUT:As a screenwriter do you have plans to branch out into any other styles of writing for books, song writing, scriptwriting for movies, etc. ?Where else can we see your shows? How did you hook up w/hot 97? What's next for you?
Then I teamed up with Yolande Geralds, Lisa Love Clavelle, and Courtney Carreras, and HOT97 to bring everything to life. In a nutshell, "Los Blancos" is the tale of two sisters taking over their families cocaine business. Yasmine Blanco, who I play, has inherited the drug business, in a male dominated industry. Yasmine has taken on the role of the "family matriarch". She has everything to lose, and everything to prove. With power and wealth, comes enemies and blood shed. She'll hold her family name up, til the day she dies. Thus far, I'm fortunate to have received incredible reviews and feedback on the series. I plan on shooting more episodes and flourishing in this series. The possibilities are limitless. 

TBUT: Where can our readers find you?
You can follow me on twitter @TheOnlyShakur You can watch "Los Blancos" on and follow @LosBlancosTv for all updates and news.

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