Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life & Wellness on Black Urban Times brought to you by Cake Everyday Coaching Circle

Who needs a "reason" to CELEBRATE?

Today I felt like celebrating. It’s not my birthday, or the birthday of anyone that I know, I just wanted to celebrate. I thought, “why not?” I have so much to be thankful for and my blessings are more than I can count. I am living my life by design and I continue to accomplish both my personal and professional goals. Doesn’t that sound like something to celebrate?

So I have decided to celebrate SOMETHING at least once a day, everyday. Cake everyday for me!!! In theory of course but that’s what works for me since cake is one of my favorite things.

The way I see it everyday that I open my eyes, stretch my limbs and thank the creator for one more day, I can celebrate. That’s my cake! Exciting right??

Anything after that, like being able to work in a field that I enjoy, with people that I actually like is my icing. And the people that enhance my life: my family and friends that love me, they are my sprinkles. The cherry is me because all of these things help me to feel whole and brings me full circle.

This is not to say that everyday is happy, happy, joy, joy. Life happens and it can sometimes catch us off guard. Ending relationships, saying good bye to loved ones or losing dear friends is never easy. Falling short of our personal objectives and goals can be disheartening. If we don’t allow ourselves to become attached to the pain and suffering we will realize these things are circumstances that will pass AND we still have our cake and ourselves! Trust and believe that fresh icing and new sprinkles will come! And when you feel whole and complete again, you can pop that cherry right back on top and marvel at the celebration of YOU…just because.

About Raychelle LeBlanc & Cake Everyday

Cake Everyday Coaching Circle believes in the balance of Mind, Body & Spirit. Raychelle is an author, a certified Life & Wellness Coach that coaches in the areas of Life, Wellness and Business. Raychelle believes in challenging her clients to be their personal best, to live out their life & wellness goals and live their optimum life. The process is more than a resolution, but a shift in the mindset that has been holding them back.

In addition,she is a Master Meditation Teacher and a certified Reiki practitioner. She utilizes her public platforms to educate, empower and heal.

For contact or questions:
Please joins us!
Twitter: @cakeeveryday
Book info:Co-author, “How the Fierce Handle Fear: Secrets to Succeeding in Challenging Times” 2010; Bascom Hill Books

See you next week :-)
Love & Light

1 comment:

  1. I love this! But I love the author as Just reading this blog made me feel as if I have a big slice of cake sitting on my desk, with delicious icing and a big red cherry on top. Cake everyday is a great analogy. And I concur! Today I celebrate as well. Nope, its not my birthday either...but the excitement of what's right around the corner is like Christmas morning. Thanks, Raychelle for this blog. :-) Keep the love and light coming.

    Michelle Kitchens


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