Thursday, February 2, 2012

HHGS Exclusive: Sydney Starr Sends Apology To Chingy!!!

So last night I had a Twitter conversation with rapper, Chingy. Yes the real was the "Verified" account and we were speaking about his upcoming mixtape and his first single off of it titled "Let It Go". If you haven't checked out that single yet you can do so by clicking (here). However, our conversation got interesting when he asked me if I ever heard about those infamous rumors about him and well known tranny, Sydney Starr.

Of course I admitted to hearing about the rumors and he explained to me that the rumors were untrue and how Sydney Starr really tried to ruin his career and reputation. So what Chingy did was forward me an email he received from Sydney Starr apologizing for what she did and before I just give everything up, I'd rather you click on the "Full Story" button to read the email for yourself below:

Hey to whom this may concern,

I will definitly make a video apologizing to Chingy because I really feel terrible for what I did to Chingy. Im so sorry for disrespecting him because I am truly a good person. So when I sat down to realize all the drama that I caused, I felt horrible and disgusted with myself. I didnt feel good about it at all and Im truly sorry for what I did to him. He didnt do anything to deserve that shit and if you could please tell him that I wasnt thinking at that time. I was to caught up with all the media attention that I was getting because all I want is to be a successful reality tv star and no one seemed to pay any attention to me because I was different. Its not easy being a transgendered woman out here in the entertainment industry and I didnt know what else to do. But I do know that I dont want to throw dirt on people's name to get where I wanna be. So I know what I did was sooooooo wrong and I hate myself for it.

I wish I could just turn back the hands of time. Because believe me at the end of the day, Im suffering from this shit because I made myself look bad. I wish I could tell Chingy sorry face to face with nobody else around so he could know that Im sincere. But I know that could probably never happen. :0(  I dont want anymore media attention like that ever again in my life! I asked for God to forgive me and now Im asking for Chingy's forgiveness because its the only way that I can sleep at night.

So yes I will make the video. So Please tell him that Im truly sorry and he doesnt have to be afraid of me because Ive learned a big lesson in life that you shouldnt knock people down to get what you want in life because at the end of the day you'll still fail. So again I do apologize for everything that Ive done. I had to get alot of things off my chest. So yes I will make this video for him AsAP!. And please tell Chingy I wish him the best in life. And I will NEVER do anyone else like that! Its not cool! Again My deepest apology to Chingy... and Im still a big fan of Chingy.

One Love ,,, Sidney

Wow!!! What do you say to a person after a letter like that? I don't even know what to say at this point, but I'm curious to find out what you have to say about it. So leave those thoughts in the comments section because you know I'm listening!

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