Friday, June 15, 2012

How Mediatakeout's labeling of Chris Brown hurts the black community

by ziti

Read the headline today on mediatakeout and it promotes the non-reporting of violence in the black community. By making light of the seriousness of situation, that saw several people injured including an Australian tourist. Mediatakeout is promoting the act of not reporting crimes in the black community.
The definition of a "snitch" is a person a member of organized crime, who tells law enforcement about their group's criminal activities to get lesser jail time. The definition of snitch has been grossly transformed into a plague that affects the black community at an alarming rate.

Instead of tearing down Mr. Brown, I instead plead with our readers to applaud Chris Brown's actions to stop this thug behavior that Drake and his entourage allegedly did that night. 
Drake must confess to this alleged crime that saw 4 people and several others hurt that night and be a true "g" and man up to face the music of beats that made a beautiful night for club goers a living hell.

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