Friday, June 15, 2012

ATL welcome to the matrix: intro to the new Atlanta editor at largeOrrin Carter

Ok, pop quiz hot shot your reading black urban times as you usually do, you scroll down and notice a article from some southern, semi young hot shot who's ranting and raving about gender inequality, relationship roles, music, and all the rude but true things you say to yourself on a daily basis. As you continue to read your face turns up and as the words arrogant, funny, and know it all run rampid through your mind. the words " who the hell does he think he is" escapes your lips....who am I you ask?
I am Orrin Carter of Atlanta Ga by way of Dallas Texas i dont take stuff from anyone and I talk alot of stuff to everyone. All kidding aside Im a 28 year old guy writing an article a day with hopes of saving the world. However naive i still believe in the good and the humanity of the human condition. i feel strongly about alot of things especially but not limited to Relationships. I consider myself a relationship Guru. However dysfunctional my own life and relationships are. From my friends to my wife my life is your enetertainment.
Lets laugh cheer, rally, and cry together.

Hi I'm Orrin the new ATL editor at large

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