Thursday, June 28, 2012

Orrin vs the Fat women of America by @odiggler

Large women scare me to death. I don't mean amazon women, you know the 6'6 look like they play defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys large women. I mean the out of shape, sweat while they eat,always talk about working out but never ACTUALLY workout, blame everyday life like kids, work, and anything else that prevents then from picking up anything remotely healthy large woman. Yes I said it.... I Orrin have a problem with biguns, thickums, big girls, and any other chubby nickname you can think of for big women. I bet your thinking " Orrin's such an ass hole" or " you ain't all that skinny your damn self Orrin.". Well your right on both counts I am an ass and no I'm not that skinny but that's neither here nor there.

What irritates me is the Big women that feel so comfortable with their "body" or lack their of that they live their life with a point to prove. By point to prove I mean wearing clothes that clearly don't fit and will never fit, screaming how they can't stand skinny women and how they are Sooooo happy with them selves.

But what really pisses me off what really starts my engine the most is that from what I've seen, and I've seen ALOT of big women in my life; is most big women want an in shape muscular man. I mean what the hell??!!! It's such a asinine request if you ask me. The audacity, the arrogance, the smugness to ask for a man to be physically fit, top athletic condition, and maintains said athletic condition at all times while you get to freely hang out of your clothes and eat Cheetos like they are keeping you alive is more than a double standard.

Now I'm not picking on the pleasantly pump but I think as men and women we should start bringing to the table what we ask for.

If you want a successful man be a successful woman.

If you want a physically fit man, be a physically fit woman ( or a least attempting to be)

In the end I guess you like who you like and you can't help who you love and too much confidence is better than no confidence at all. But it's this writers belief that you need to be the person you want to attract

Orrin Carter

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