Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Interview: Hannah D. Spivey is writing urban fiction with sense of passion


How long have you been writing?
I've been writing for three years.

What made you interested in writing?

I love to read fiction and I've yet to read a book that goes beyond the grain.

Do you have any books published?

Yes, I do. "Ebony the Beloved", "Whooty Ca$h", "Payback is a Son of a Bitch," "Lloyd Tube", and "My Sherry Amor."

What kind of stuff do you tend to write about?

I enjoy writing about real life situations and controversy.

Can you tell us about your latest book?

My latest is entitled, "Ebony the Beloved" and it is about a girl named, Ebony, who experiences physical, mental, sexual, spiritual, and emotional abuse by her parents, peers, and a famous celebrity named, Desmond Waltz. My other book which is an ebook is entitled, "Whooty Ca$h" and it is about a biracial video vixen who comes from meager beginnings and she ends up taking the hip hop world by storm by stepping on the wrong people to move ahead in the game.

Where did the idea from the book come from? Is it based on a true story or real people?

The ideas in my books come from my imagination or any piece of information that interests me; whether is it online or in public.

What inspires your writing?

Real life situations and controversy are what influence my writing.

Is there a any kind of ritual you must follow to get you in the writing mood? As a writer do you have any plans to branch out into any other styles of writing eg, song writing, scriptwriting?

I don't have a ritual. Whenever I feel like writing, I just write. I have thought about scriptwriting. That may be another avenue I explore.

Where else can we see your writing? You can find all of my writings on Amazon and Kindle.

What's next for you? I'm working on my second novel "The Bold and the Ugly Truth" and I will be working on two other ebooks called "Pyrex Vision" and "Whooty Ca$h II"

Thanks! Follow Hannah D. Spivey on twitter! @Bossladywriter


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