Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Interview Part 1: Black Urban Books writer..Tammy Wright is a new voice in urban books you will love


 How long have you been writing?
I've been writing for the past can say I'm new to this scene and "Halsey Street Do or Die" is my baby the 1st one...smhl.
 What made you interested in writing?
I just sat down one evening and started writing, just to get away from everyday pressures and drama.  I wrote Chapter by Chapter...letting my Boo read each one that I finished.  He was the inspiration and motivation of this novel because the more I wrote the excited he got about the book.  Before I knew it was done and I had wrote my first real hood novel.

Do you have any books published?
No I don't have any other books published.."Halsey Street Do or Die" is my first and the way it's going there will be a part 2. LOL
What kind of stuff do you tend to write about ?
Basically the (Romeos and Juliettes) of the Streetz. Love that's just as true and real as you see on Soap Operas but in a hood style way.  The type of love the urban book readers can relate too...u feel me.
 Can you tell us about your latest book?
The book is about a character name Seven that's a ride or die chick that has a passion for the thugs.  She well educated (Bi-lingual in Spanish n French)  hard working in the Entertainment Industry and a single mom of a daughter a name Brooklyn. She beautiful lady inside and out rockin the lastest fashion and rides the lastest cars . She lives in the center of Brooklyn in the Bed-Stuy area. Seven's love for the thugs causes pain, hurt, cheating and crimes...but to da realist nigga that's true she's a Black Rose Grown in Concrete...RT.

.Where did the idea for the book come from? Is it based on a true story or real people.
 Nawl's fiction but you'll be so inspire by the characters and invents that take place you will think it's somewhat true..u feel me. .smhl


 Mrs. Tammy Wright aka


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